Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 27: Same ole' thing

Getting back into the routine of school this week. Its amazing how one week can mess everything up. Found out more about the Bio test that many people cheated on. Apparently the cops are even involved now! Crazy how much people will go through just for a better test grade. So not only did the University drop the test for EVERYONE, they are looking further into the case and know who cheated (in the way they found out) and they have proof. Looks like that good grade earned quit a few students on a train out of college. Not only will they be expelled, its unlikely any other college will accept them if the cheating was as severe as its being led on! I really want to find out more but I doubt they will be giving out much more information. Today I will share another random picture from my giant files on my computer :) I promise I'll have some new ones up soon.

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