Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 23: Gentry Safari & The Hunger Games

Had an AWESOME day with the family. We met my parents and the kids in Gentry Arkansas and went through the Safari and petting zoo. They had a blast and so did we. I was so excited to have my brother Austin along. I don't get to see him much anymore and I really miss it. I'm glad he decided to come but I'm hoping he can come back on his own when his leg heals. I know he'd enjoy it more. After we got back from the Safari me and my mom went to see The Hunger Games. It was very good! There was a few parts I was disappointed with that didnt line up with the book but over all it was awesome! :) After that we met everyone else at the hotel my family was staying in and swam for a bit. Addie ended up staying the night with me and Jake. Over all it ended up being a great day, one of the best actually. I love spending time with my family!

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