Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 56: The Perfect Day

I loved this Saturday! It was perfect!! Jake and I went garage selling then just goofed around town until around 11. We rented the movie Extremly Loud and Incredibly Close. I loved it, him...not so much. We spent the afternoon resting, watching tv, and Jake studied. Then tonight we enjoyed dinner at JD China then headed to play mini golf with the young/couples group from our church. I think we both had a really great time fellowing shipping with everyone. Over all, I'd say this day was perfect and I'd love to have many more like it!! :)

This is from the very first University concert Jake and I went to together. Every semester the University hosts a free concert. We only go to the country ones ;) Tonight they had Kid Cudi??? Never heard of him until the concert flyers went up. Obviously we didnt go but it reminded me of the Blake Shelton concert over a year ago.

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