Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 30: The Cutest Sister

Today was so great. Jake got his barn all cleaned out and started getting his babies ready to move back to Fayetteville with us! We had a great morning but the night got even better when we went to Addie's play. The name of the play was The Saga of Sagebrush Sal. It was a childrens play and just too funny! I had a great time watching the entire thing but enjoyed it so much more when I got to watch my sister. It's obvious that my parents have found her calling. She loves it and she is very good. I think she'll enjoy it even more when she starts to get speaking parts. She was a can can dancer this time and she did a wonderful job. I love having younger siblings to enjoy! All my siblings make me so proud to be the oldest. :) Here are some super cute pictures of Addison!!

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